From Kaiyodo. The second entry in the Amazing Yamaguchi series from A Certain Scientific Railgun brings Kuroko Shirai, the Level 4 teleportation expert from Tokiwadai Junior High School. Dressed in her winter uniform from the anime, this highly articulated figure captures Kuroko's delicate build and incredible ability to perform dynamic action poses, thanks to a uniquely designed joint system. Her iconic thigh holsters and detachable Judgment armband let you recreate her signature moves, whether she's launching her iron arrows or declaring, 'I'm a Judgment officer!' With 7 interchangeable face plates, including her normal, laughing, and panicked expressions, you can bring her personality to life, from intense battles to her more humorous moments with Misaka Mikoto. Accessories also include her school bag for peaceful scenes and a gag-like 'perverted' face for those comedic moments full of affection (?) towards her beloved Misaka!